
by | Beta1 |

DocCalendar is a simple and versatile Calendar snippet for displaying events calendar of DocLister resources.DocCalendar  is based on FullCalendar, a cool opensource javascript event calendar

DocCalendar Parameters

You can customize your calendar using a big set of parameters included in DocCalendar

Snippet Parameters

FullCalendar parameters (more infos and doc at

Available DocLister parameters:

Chunks and tvs included in the package

Using different Date source

If you want to use editedon instead createdon date, just open DocCalendar-Tpl and replace 

start: '[+date+]',


start: '[+editedon:date=`%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S`+]',

Using tvs for Date source

For Events Calendars like courses, events, bookings.. you can set both start date and end date of any event:

Check the included EventCalendar chunk template for a more detailed example

Important: set date-format for both tvs to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S

in your Calendar tpl: 

start: '[+Start-Date+]',end: '[+End-Date+]'



Basic call 


Advanced call 

[!DocCalendar? &parents=`121,102,122` &tpl=`BlogCalendar-Tpl`!] 


[!DocCalendar? &calID=`demo` &parents=`121,102,122` &tpl=`BlogCalendar-Tpl` &Modal=`0` &jQuery=`1`!] 


Demo with Modal

[!DocCalendar? &calID=`demo2` &parents=`121,102,122` &tpl=`BlogCalendar-Tpl` &Modal=`1` &ModalTpl=`Modal-DocCalendar` &jQuery=`0` &LoadAssets=`0`!]