About MODx

MODx is an open source CMS that helps you take control of your website. It makes updates easy, empowering end-users with as much control as you desire over website content and update frequency. This site demonstrates some of its capabilities: blogging tools, user comments, RSS feeds, dynamic menu generation when adding or removing pages, built in search, integrated forums and bug tracking software, strong security and private/protected web pages...

Techies call MODx a Content Management System (CMS for short). It's also a pretty schwanky Application Framework. A robust and flexible API and an event override system makes building engaging web projects — and changing core functionality without hacking its code! — a breeze.

Not only does MODx help you build sites fast, but it also hides its tremendous power unless it's needed. As far as end users know, MODx is just an easy-to-use CMS with tons of freely available resources and one heck of an end user community.

Web 2.0 ... today.

MODx is 100% buzzword compliant, empowering you to build engaging "Web 2.0" sites today. MODx also makes sure to make it dead easy to build sites with strong Web Standards support. Its next release contains an AJAX effects library pre-integrated, too, thanks to the fine folks at Script.aculo.us. XHTML/CSS layouts are a given, what ships as a default template and our default dynamic menu builder makes for unordered list navigation nirvana. If Web 2.0 is not your cup of tea, it's just as easy to build "traditional" table-based pure HTML sites.

Who uses MODx?

modxFor bloggers, developers and other members of the digerati looking for more, MODx can help take it to the next level. If you've ever cringed when "calling the web guys" to make simple site updates, chances are it fits equally as well.

Focus on usability, design and content. MODx is the alternative to hacking blogging tools to death, extended learning sessions, and changing your workflow to fit yet another CMS that just doesn't quite get it.

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