ParallaxSlider MultiTV for MODx Evolution

ParallaxSlider MultiTV for MODx Evolution
EVO Version: select or above
Required Extras: MultiTV Snippet

ParallaxSlider MultiTV is a MODx Evolution packageĀ that contains Codrops Parallax Slider and a dedicated MultiTV to managing Slides and text.


- Works with any MODx Evolution Theme
- Add, remove and sort slides with a multiTV
- MultiTV Parallaxslider with configuration parameters: image, caption title, caption text, link (opt), slide direction (opt)

ParallaxSlider MultiTV - settings used in this demo page

ParallaxSlider MultiTV




1) Install with Evolution Package Manager

2) Go to Template Variables > parallaxslider> Template Access > Select your default template

3) Edit your default template:

Add {{parallaxslider-css}} before the closing head tag

Add {{parallaxslider-jscss}} before the closing body tag

Add [[multiTV? &tvName=`parallaxslider` &display=`all`]] where you want to display the ParallaxSlider

4) Edit a resource and use the multiTV parallaxslider to add slides and text to your ParallaxSlider
