Google Analytics for Evolution CMS Module, Plugin and widget
This package is based on Google Analytics Embed API JavaScript library and use Google Sign-In.
Before users can view their account information on the Google Analytics web site, they must first log in to their Google Accounts
Actually, server-side authorization and OAuth 2.0 are not supported.
Analytics4Evo package includes:
- Analytics4Evo Module: site Analytics reports overview
- PageAnalytics4Evo Plugin: resource/page Analytics reports
- DashboardAnalytics4Evo Plugin: Dashboard widget (require evo 1.3/1.4)
NOTE : this package is developed for Evolution cms 1.3/1.4 To work with 1.2 release you need to set to "modxevo" the "cms" option in module and plugin settings.
DashboardAnalytics4Evo included in this package is compatible only with Evo => 1.4.
You can download a version for MODX Evolution 1.2x from this Repository on Github: DashboardAnalytics4Evo12-widget
Customizable charts/widgets in module and plugins settings
DashboardAnalytics4Evo widget plugin
Sessions Chart
- available metrics: sessions,users
- available time frame: 30daysAgo,14daysAgo,7daysAgo
Analytics4Evo Module
Sessions Chart
- available metrics: sessions,users
- available time frame: 7daysAgo, 14daysAgo, 30daysAgo, 60daysAgo
30 days Users counter:
- available metrics: pageviews,sessions,users,newUsers,bounceRate,timeOnPage,adsenseRevenue
Custom charts 1/2/3
- Custom charts 1/2/3 available metrics: users, newUsers, sessions, bounces, bounceRate, sessionDuration, avgSessionDuration, hits,organicSearches, pageValue, entrances, entranceRate, pageviews, timeOnPage, exits, pageLoadTime, adsenseRevenue, adsenseCTR, adsenseAdsViewed, adsenseAdsClicks
- Custom charts 1/2/3 available dimensions: userType, sessionCount, referralPath, fullReferrer, campaign, source, medium, sourceMedium, keyword, adContent, socialNetwork, campaignCode, browser, browserVersion, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, mobileDeviceBranding, mobileDeviceModel, deviceCategory, browserSize, continent, country, region, city, hostname, pagePath, pageTitle, landingPagePath, secondPagePath, exitPagePath, previousPagePath, date, year, month, week, day, hour, dayOfWeek, dateHour
- Custom charts 1/2/3 available chart type :PIE,LINE,COLUMN,BAR,TABLE,GEO
PageAnalytics4Evo Plugin
Sessions Chart
- available metrics: sessions,users
- available time frame: 30daysAgo,14daysAgo,7daysAgo
30 days Users counter:
- available metrics: pageviews,sessions,users,newUsers,bounceRate,timeOnPage,adsenseRevenue
Custom charts 1/2
- Custom chart 1/2 available metrics: users, newUsers, sessions, bounces, bounceRate, sessionDuration, avgSessionDuration, hits,organicSearches, pageValue, entrances, entranceRate, pageviews, timeOnPage, exits, pageLoadTime, adsenseRevenue, adsenseCTR, adsenseAdsViewed, adsenseAdsClicks
- Custom chart 1/2 available dimensions: userType, sessionCount, referralPath, fullReferrer, campaign, source, medium, sourceMedium, keyword, adContent, socialNetwork, campaignCode, browser, browserVersion, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, mobileDeviceBranding, mobileDeviceModel, deviceCategory, browserSize, continent, country, region, city, hostname, pagePath, pageTitle, landingPagePath, secondPagePath, exitPagePath, previousPagePath, date, year, month, week, day, hour, dayOfWeek, dateHour
- Custom Chart1/2 available chart type :PIE,LINE,COLUMN,BAR,TABLE,GEO
For more informations about Creating a Google API Console project and client ID
How to allow access to analytics from your site
- go to
- select your project ID CLIENT
- add your site url to the allowed javascript origins
- if you have not already done, enable Analytics Api for your project (
How to find your site property ids Table ID ?
- goto to
- select account and property
- copy the ids