EVO Version: MODx Evolution or above
Add rel="nofollow" to all external links in MODX Evolution content (only in content field).
- DoFollow tv template variable to exclude documents from the plugin
- NoFollow https url plugin configuration
- No Follow only this domain plugin configuration:
Using the configuration settings you can add rel="nofollow" only to a selected domain (ie: amazon affiliate links)
Installation instructions
- Install with Package Manager or Store module
- Assign the DoFollow template variable to your template.
- Create a plugin with name NoFollowExternalLinks and paste the code from NoFollowExternalLinks.tpl
Check OnLoadWebDocument system event
Create a template variable named DoFollow.
- input type: dropdown
- input_options No==nofollow||Yes==follow
- default value: nofollow
- Assign the DoFollow template variable to your template.