Evo2Evo - Display Content from a remote MODX database

Evo2Evo - Display Content from a remote MODX database
EVO Version: Evolution 1.0 or above

Evo2Evo is a Evolution CMS Snippet to Display Content from a remote Evolution CMS (or Revolution) database

Example calls

Display content from document id 32 with db info parameters

[[Evo2Evo? &id=`32` &evoTpl=`evoTpl` &evo_url=`http://yourmodxsite.com` &db_hostname=`localhost` &db_username=`root` &db_password=`` &db_database=`evolution`]]

Display content from document id 32 using db info hardcoded in snippet code

[[Evo2Evo? &id=`32` &evoTpl=`evoTpl`]]

Display content from document id 32 and value from template variable id 2

[[Evo2Evo? &id=`32` &TvId=`2` &evoTpl=`evoTpl`]]

Display content from document id 32, value from image template variable id 2 and fetch image function (image will be copied from remote modx in to local folder assets/images/evo2evo)

[[Evo2Evo? &id=`32` &TvId=`2` &evoTpl=`evoTpl` &fetchimages=`1` &store_dir=`assets/images/evo2evo`]]

basic parameters

  • &db_hostname, &db_username, &db_password, &db_database = remote modx db credentials
  • &evo_url = remote modx site url
  • &evoTpl = default display template
  • &TvId = template variable id
  • &trim = trim content lenght (default 200) for short_content placeholder
  • &fetchimages = fetch remote tv image in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
  • &store_dir = folder where store remote tv images (default assets/images/evo2evo)

tpl placeholders

  • docid = id
  • pagetitle
  • longtitle
  • description
  • alias
  • introtext
  • menutitle
  • content
  • decoded_content = html_entity_decode content
  • flat_content = strip_tags decoded_content
  • short_content = trimmed version of flat_content
  • full_content = full content with images (remote modx site url (&evo_url) is added to remote images path to avoid broken images)
  • tvvalue = value of template variable (&tvId)
  • imagetv = image template variable (&tvId)
